Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Cinnamon Rolls: Best Batch Yet!!

A couple of weeks ago I made a batch of homemade cinnamon rolls. The recipe makes 12 cinnamon rolls in total, so I decided to freeze half. Dick doesn't eat many sweets so he probably wouldn't eat more than one, so I have to be careful of how many I bake at time.

Alisa and Yuki came over today, so I pulled the frozen cinnamon rolls out of the freezer last night to bake in the early afternoon. They rose even more while they were thawing and sitting at room temperature. I baked them at the suggested 15 minutes, and they were absolutely the best batch yet. They were cooked all the way through, and were fluffy. In the past, I don't think I let the dough rise enough, or come to room temperature enough for them to bake properly.

I sent Alisa home with two cinnamon rolls for her to share with Sophie, which leaves me with two. That seems like a reasonable amount for me. 😊

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