Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Progress on my Cityscape Painting

I made more good progress on my Cityscape Painting yesterday.

It was very good timing that I was walking in the same street Sunday and was able to take additional photos from the same angle. The new photo shows some nice shadows on the front of the houses on the left side. It was the perfect thing to add, as those houses needed some extra dimension, without adding too much detail.

I also changed the sky to make it a little more interesting. I changed the color of the doors and windows on the big red building to match the new photo. It helped to add variation, and actually pulls the focus away from that building (which is a good thing!) I also added a few more window that j had not seen before on the side of some buildings on the right side.

Finally, I started to change the color and texture of the street. I allowed thick paint to the street with a palette knife which added more texture. I smoothed out the texture a bit with a brush, but need to do a lit more work on the street and the cars still.

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