Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Happy Grass in the Backyard

This may seem fairly random, but I wanted to blog about my lawn in our backyard. Our lawn was doing okay, but between Summer months, less watering because of the drought, and having a dog run on it everyday, it had taken its toll a bit. It had a lot more yellow in it, and wasn't growing as fast as it usually does during the summer months. I've been wanting to put on our bi-annual sprinkling of "Weed & Feed" on it, but have been holding off because we'd have to keep Wallace off it of for a couple of days.

We also had several patches of dead lawn, due to Wallace doing his business in the backyard. In order to help this, we bought a pack of grass seeds. The day before we left on our trip, I raked up the dead grass, tilled the dirt a bit and sprinkled the seeds on all of the dead patches, and throughout the lawn.

I had a brilliant (my opinion, at least) idea before we left on our road trip to Seattle. The last thing I did before we drove off was apply Weed & Feed to our lawn. I knew this would give our lawn almost two weeks time to repair and regrow.

While we were away, I wondered how our lawn would look upon our return. Would there be a noticeable difference? Would the grass seeds take root?

Behold: we came back to a very healthy and happy lawn! It was very green, the best I've seen it in a long time, and had grown so much that it was in need of a mow. It had grown in thicker and healthier. The seeds also sprouted new grass in the bald patches - not all of them, but a good amount. Happiness!!

We are now taking our watering can out with us whenever Wallace goes out to go potty, and are diluting those patches with water so that it doesn't kill the grass. It's been less than a week since we've mowed the grass, and I can tell it'll need a cut again within the next few days.

Happy Grass!
My parents will be proud. :)

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