Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Foggy day at Fort Funston

We drove to Fort Funston this late morning with Wallace. It's been SO hot in San Francisco the last two days (91 degrees!) that we thought it would be a beautiful day at the Ocean.

You'd think I'd lived in San Francisco long enough to know that just because it's warm and sunny in our neighborhood doesn't mean it's going to be warm, or even sunny in other neighborhoods - especially the beach! As we drove closer and close we started to see the fog and watched the temperature drop from the mid-70s to the high 50s!!

It was too chilly to go down to the beach, but it was fine for walking along the trails. We decided to let Wallace off-leash early on, once we were well past the parking lot. He did really, really well! He mostly stayed on the trails, went off to explore a bit, played with other dogs, but he also always come back to us - usually without us calling to him. We did some good recall training with him, too. He/we are getting better and more consistent!

I took these photos of Wallace while he was frolicking around on the sand dunes. I love how floppy he is in the action shot of the first one, and think the composition of the second one turned out really nice.

Happy Doggy!!

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