Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wallace's First Walk!!

Wallace went on his first walk through Noe Valley today!! We tried taking him out a couple of times last week, but he was pretty timid and didn't want to cross the street and intersections. We didn't want to rush things on his first week, so we had only gotten as far as two blocks, going around a corner, and never crossing streets.

This morning, we went to the pet store again, which he loved. He enjoyed it so much that we thought we'd try a walk around the neighborhood once we got home. He did GREAT!! For whatever reason, he's no longer nervous at intersections, and crossed the streets just fine. We walked about six blocks to a nearby park where we hung out for a bit. He had a chance to be around a lot of people, children, and other dogs, and did just fine. After, we walked a couple blocks of 24th Street, where there are many stores, restaurants, people, strollers, dogs, etc. We walked around that area, then back home with no problems. Yay, Wallace!

This makes us very happy! After we realized how timid he had been about walking outside a few days ago, we figured it may take a few weeks of short outings before he'd be comfortable with a full walk like this. Now, we're excited to explore more areas with him!

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