Saturday, May 21, 2016

Wallace and Saki's First Play Date!!

Wallace loves Saki!!

Wallace had his first play date with Saki this morning, and boy did they have a great time!! Saki is Lizelle's 10-month old Shiba Inu. She's just a little bigger than Wallace (she's 19lbs and he's about 14) and just two months younger, so it seems they are a perfect fit!

Wallace was a little uncertain when Saki and Lizelle first came over. It's the first time we've had another dog in the house since Wallace has established it as his territory. He was definitely a little uneasy at first, and there were a few low growls. We kept them both on leash until we were out in the backyard. By Lizelle's suggestion, we took Wallace's leash off first so he would feel more comfortable without being restrained. After that, he was able to relax more and they started to play. Once Wallace was comfortable, Lizelle took off Saki's leash, and they were fast friends.

They played so well together. Lizelle and Saki travel a lot together, so Saki is constantly meeting new dogs in playgroups, and is very sociable. She was really good about getting Wallace to play, and played well with him. They chased each other around a lot, and also played with the ball. Saki runs and turns really fast, but she adjusted her speed so that Wallace could keep up. They played for over an hour and 45 minutes, pretty much non-stop. Wallace is going to sleep well tonight!

Thank you to Saki and Lizelle for driving all the way to San Francisco for our play date! We are hoping to make a routine of it, and can't wait to get these two pups together again.

Of course, I took a ton of photos, but managed to edit them down to these shots.

fast friends!

they are already BFFs

sharing a water dish

Lizelle and Dick hanging out with the dogs

Happy Dogs!

action shot

Dick is so good with the doggies

glamour shot

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