Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Handy Husband!!

Yesterday, Dick and I spent the day in Brentwood, helping my Mom with projects around the new house while my Dad was with the movers in Milpitas.

My Mom was setting up her kitchen and bathrooms. Dick and I helped by putting together her two closet organizers.

And when I say "Dick and I", I mean Dick did all the real work, and I was his assistant. He demoed the existing closet organizer (two bars/shelves that were built into one wall in the Master closet, then put up the first components of the new closet system. This is the same Elfa closet system from Container Store that Dick and our friends had just taken down from our closet in Bellevue that we brought home last week.

We put in an additional system as an organizer in their office.

Uncle Danny and Auntie Betty came over a bit later and helped out installing more projects in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Dick and Uncle Danny also put together our old bed frame that Dick and I used to have in our Master bedroom in SF into my parent's new guest bedroom. They needed a bed to sleep in last night, and it looks great!

It was a very productive day, and I'm glad we were able to help. My Mom was able to get a lot done and organized yesterday before the movers deliver all of their things today.

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