Thursday, May 22, 2014

He is his Father's Son

Dick's beloved Father passed away earlier this year. Yesterday, we opened a box of his Dad's things that his sister, Kathy, had sent to us. (Thanks, Kathy!) Included in the box were about five of his Dad's shirts. Richard almost always wore this kind of shirt - embroidered on the two sides of the front, zippered or button down, usually with four pockets. (In which he always kept index cards and pens to write notes throughout the day.)

Dick tried them, and I was happy to see that they all fit. He wore this one to work today. Between the shirt, the hat, sunglasses and goatee, he looks so much like his Dad in this photo. It made my heart smile, and a little bit sad, all at the same time.

Dick's sister, Kathy, saw this post and sent a photo of Richard wearing the same shirt (or one very similar). The photo was taken about 5 or 6 years ago in Williamsburg. He's posing with his Granddaughter, Adrianne. It really shows how much Dick resembles his Dad. :)

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