Tuesday, July 05, 2011

The Dick Report - Week 9

Today marks 9 weeks since Dick shattered his patella into 4 pieces. He had a follow-up appointment with his surgeon this afternoon, and got some good news - he no longer needs to wear is brace, and he is allowed to drive again!! Yay!! Very exciting news (for both of us!).

Dick's knee has been quite swollen for several weeks now. Much of the swelling was due to fluids building up around the knee, which we had hoped would go down over time, and with physical therapy. The doctor offered to drain it for Dick when we last saw him three weeks ago, but Dick held off in hopes of it going down on its own. Today, he was ready to have it drained - the extra swelling was causing extra discomfort when walking or bending his knee.

Of course, I was there taking photos. The doctor drained about 40cc of fluid, which looked like an awful lot in the syringe.

Dick was a real trooper throughout the whole process. For someone who shies away from needles, he managed well, and was happy that he had it done.

There's no guarantee that the fluids won't build up again, so we'll see how the next few days go. Worst case scenario, he can always go back in to have his knee drained again.

The doctor was very happy with Dick's progress so far. He'll continue with the Physical Therapy (and go in for that twice a week), but he won't have to see the surgeon again for another couple of months.

Graphic images

Dick's swollen knee

The doctor checks the knee and fluid location with an ultrasound - check out that needle!

Draining the fluid from the knee

Post-drain - still swollen, but not as much as before

40cc of fluid out! (yuck!)

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