Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Shoe Day!

My parents, my Sis and I all went to Stockton today to visit my Grandma. When we were out at lunch, we noticed a new shoe store, and thought it would be a good time to buy some new shoes for Grandma.

Well, this store loved our family! We walked out with a total of 6 pairs of shoes! 3 pairs for Grandma, hiking sandals for each of my parents, and new walking shoes for me! :)

PS: Yikes! I just realized what a horrible unattractive picture this is of me. I'm going to blame it on the glowing ray of light shining in-between my thighs. Not pretty. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Unattractive how? You look radiant as always! :) Looking forward to seeing you soon! xo
