Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Docs!

I bought a new pair of Doc Martin Boots last weekend. Now, for anyone who knew me in the mid-90s, you may remember that my Doc Martin boots were pretty much the only shoes I wore at that time. I eventually wore out that first, beloved pair (after several years), and bought another pair about 12 years ago. Unfortunately, that pair didn't live up to the first (irregular pair that just weren't great) so I stopped wearing them eventually. The fact that I was out of art school may have had something to do with that, too.

Anyhow, this new pair I found is just awesome!! They buckle up, rather than lace up, and (even better!) the zip up so they are on and off in a jiffy!! Plus, they're just uber-cool! Or, I'm simply in denial, and I'm trying to relive my younger days. ;)

So, it turns out that old habits do indeed die hard. So excited about my new, cool boots!

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