Sunday, October 31, 2010

Creep 'O Rama 2010!

Last night was our annual Halloween Party, "Creep 'O Rama"! It was Spooktacular, Spectacular!

It was a smaller crowd than usual, but that didn't stop us from having a really fantastic time! A great time was had by all, much alcohol was consumed (22 people, 10 bottles of wine and 24 bottles of beer - oh, my!), and fantastic costumes were thoroughly appreciated!

Dick, Christopher and I did a costume trio this year. We did a Social Networking theme. I was Facebook, Dick was the attention getting/trying to stay relevant My Space, and Christopher was Twitter.

Twitter, Facebook and MySpace

Each of our costumes had a "schick": I had stickers that I put on everyone and everything that said things like "Trina Likes this", or "Cool Costume!" or "LOL", etc., I had had a bag full of farm animals (a cow, sheep, pig, etc.,) that I tossed at everyone saying, "Superpoke"!


Dick was "My Space" - trying to remain relevant, by wearing flashing lights, honking his horn, and trying to make sure that people didn't forget him. hilarious.

My Space

Christopher was "Twitter" complete with a little stuffed bluebird (who really did tweet!) and a megaphone so that he could "retweet" what everyone else was saying. On his back, he wore a sign that said, "Follow Me".


Each of us wore white boards that we wrote and changed our status on. Or, at least, that was the intent, but I kept forgetting to write anything new!

We were a big hit on Castro Street, which was big fun. The three of us were stopped several times to have our pictures taken. ;)

We had several really great costumes at the party!

Here are some of the highlights:

Richard and Pete as creepy spiders!

Creepy Blane as a spider with an egg sac (ewwww!)

Shan as Max Headroom!

Philip as the Jolly Green Giant

Bunny & Mike - our 70s couple

Moshabar, Tanzeem & Will

Sharon & Kevin

David and Miguel as Batman & Robin

Lynn & Kathy

Michael (and Mike) - another 70s guy!

Graham and my sister, who didn't actually wear a costume, but get appreciation credit for coming! Actually, I told Graham that he could be a fourth in our costume since he was wearing a shirt with "SPAM" on it. ;)

Thanks so much to all who came! We had a really great time this year!

1 comment:

  1. love the white board idea for status updates!
