Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Unfortunate change of plans, and silver linings

Well, it hasn't been the best week so far....

Poor Marcel (our big cat) hasn't been doing too well. His appetite decreased significantly towards the end of last week. After changing his food (same food, but it turns out that when it's w/chicken, it's a better different consistency, and he seems to like it more) he is eating a fair amount again, so that's good.

Unfortunately, he seems to have slowed down over the last week. He isn't getting around very much, and is spending most of his time in the bathroom on the heated floor (which I'm so glad we have for him). I wouldn't say he's lethargic - he's still pretty happy - purring a lot, napping, still pretty chatty, but he just doesn't have the energy that he usually has.

Dick and I have been giving him intravenous fluids for almost 3 months now - 3 times a week. I called Marcel's vet today, and we've decided to increase the dosage to every-other day, and hope that it helps.

Dick and I had plans for us both to go to North Carolina to visit his family, and watch March Madness with them - we planned to be away from tomorrow through early next week.

We decided last night, that we just didn't feel comfortable leaving Marcel right now. Even though we always have friends come in to feed our cats and check on them, I know that Marcel requires more attention then I'd expect anyone else to give him right now. So, we decided that the best thing to do was to have me stay home with the cats, and take care of Marcel, while Dick goes to visit the family.

I've obviously bummed about this, as I was really looking forward to the trip, and to seeing everyone. However, I have no doubt that this is the right decision. I would have worried about Marcel the whole time, and would hate to put any of our friends in a terrible position if something bad happens while we're away.

The silver lining to this story is that the Northern California Color Guard Power Regional is this weekend in Union City. I have been asked by several friends over the past few months if I was going to be there, and of course, I wasn't since I was planning on being in NC. But, now, I'm able to go, so that's nice! It's in Union City this year - at James Logan High School, where I used to teach, so a lot of my former students are planning to go. I also just heard from Mykail that he's coming into town to watch the show, so that's an extra bonus.

So, yes, change of plans, but at least there's some silver linings in there as well.

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