Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stop. Rewind.

let's try this again...

Ugh. This day has not started out so well so far.

The day actually started at 3:30am, when I woke up, and couldn't fall back asleep. This hasn't happened in a while, which is actually quite good for me, so I rolled with it. I was up 'til 5:30 or so, then went back to bed and slept until 7:00 when our alarm when off.

I thought I was doing pretty well - I got the garbage cans out to the front, and brought out the garbage, recycling, etc., then started to make breakfast.

This is where the trouble started.

My usual breakfast is steel cut oatmeal, which takes 30 minutes to cook. I took out my regular pot, put in the water, brought it to a boil, added the oatmeal, and set the timer. Usually, this means that I can leave the kitchen for the next half hour to do other things, while my oatmeal cooks. However, 25 minutes later, I started to smell something burning. I knew exactly what it was: in my sleepy stupor, I had forgotten to turn the stove down to low, and the oatmeal was burning. Bummer. I soaked the pot and the burnt oatmeal, and somehow managed not to ruin my poor pot.

I the meantime, I decided to have a left-over waffle for breakfast. I had made waffles last weekend, and Reeves taught me a trick to freeze leftover waffles, then pop them in a toaster (a la "L'Eggo") to reheat them and keep them crisp. So, I popped the waffle in the toaster while I was scrubbing my pot clean.

...and then the all-too-familiar smell of burnt breakfast happened all over again!

I had the toaster on too high of a setting, and the waffle had burnt, too!

What a loser I am. Two burnt breakfasts in one morning.

This was probably my cue to just crawl back into bed for the remainder of the day.
(still a possibility)

I did manage to make yet another breakfast (eggs in a basket) without burning anything, but my house still smells of burnt oatmeal and waffles.

Here's hoping the day goes a little more smoothly now...

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