Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Lost Vacation

Dick and I both took the past week off from work, planning on a nice, holiday vacation.

Dick and I were both sick all week.

That's a bummer.

Luckily, we didn't have any plans all week. Literally. Nothing on the calendar at all.

The silver lining:

We were both able to relax knowing that there wasn't any work piling up, and we weren't missing out on anything.

We both got a lot of rest

We spent a lot of time at home

We spent a lot of time together

We watched a lot of TV, and movies (speaking of which, watching Netflix Instantly via Xbox Live pretty much rocks)

With the exception of taking Marcel to the vet, and the stress of learning about his kidney problems, we actually had a pretty relaxing week.

So, not the best, most exciting vacation ever, but not too bad either.

We're all feeling better now, but still not 100%. I expect that'll take a few more days or so.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Same thing happened to Bunny and I. We spent the last week watching movies and hanging out on the couch.
