Sunday, June 29, 2008

Supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs

Dick and I just came home from walking around the neighborhood. As we came to our block, we noticed that one of the little girls (about 8 years old) who lives on the corner had "set up shop" at the corner. She had a table set up with an "Open" sign.

We walked over to see what she was selling: Lavender bags - fresh lavender wrapped in pretty sheets of lace, tied with thin green wire, and finished off with a little tag. I admired her handy work, and asked how much she was charging for them.

$.50 cents each. (which I actually think is a very reasonable price)

We bought two, even though she told us that we qualified for her 3/$1 special. We told her that she could keep the 3rd so that she could keep her inventory stocked. (she was busy making more bags even as we spoke.)

I asked how business was so far, but she said she had only just opened and that we were her first customers.

I hope she does really well!

I remember several years back, when my friend Philip was visiting for Pride weekend,(which also happens to be this weekend) we stopped by a "Lemonade Stand" run by a couple of boys down the street. It wasn't the lemonade stand (or in my case, a Kool-Aid" stand) that I remember as a kid. These kids were selling Pellegrino sparkling water with choices of Italian flavored syrup! I think they were charging $2.50 a cup. I remember that these boys were making a killing - it was a particularly hot day for SF, and who can resist a lemonade stand (even if it is $2.50)?

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