Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pedestrian Flags

Paula took me around Downtown Kirkland (Home of Costco!) yesterday
afternoon. She pointed out these pedestrian flags that are kept in baskets on every intersection. The idea is that pedestrians should pick up a flag, hold it high and walk with it across the crosswalk every time they cross the street.


I only grabbed this one for a photo op, and didn't use it as it was intended. Now that I think about it, I really should've busted out into a double swing-flag routine (a la Skylarks 1983) all the way across the crosswalk!

Take It to Make it, Baby

Just found this link from the Seattle Times. It discusses the Pedestrian Flag program, it's moderate success (8.6 percent of the pedestrians participate in the program) and the new(er) flag design: a yellow flag with picture of a person carrying a flag.

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