Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fully Redundant

Kitchen #2

Sometimes, living in two (connected) condos comes in very handy! Dick and I joke that with our two condos, we are "fully redundant": two kitchens, two hot water heaters, (two utility bills), two cats, three X-Box 360s (oops! looks like we went a little overboard there!), etc.,

It's been two weeks since the pipes from the upstairs kitchen busted and caused a hull breach on the downstairs kitchen. The plumbers came last week to redo the plumbing, and the contractors are back today to patch up the gaping hole in the kitchen ceiling.

I'm guessing that this job will take (at least) all day. They'll need to put the plastic barrier back up, put up the sheet rock, tape the sheet rock, mud it, let it dry, reapply..... (rinse, and repeat).

I got smart this time around. Right before the came this morning, I cleared out the downstairs kitchen, and brought anything that I'd need for breakfast and lunch to the upstairs kitchen: my toaster, biscuits and jelly for breakfast (and a glass of juice) and a leftover sandwich for lunch. If I get snacky, I even thought to bring up some cheese and crackers. Also remembered silverware and plates. I'm set!

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