Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Flying the most friendly skies

Flying over San Francisco

Flying Virgin America completely ROCKS!

Really, this whole flight has been amazing. First of all, I'm in the
emergency exit row with extra leg room. BONUS: I have the entire row
to myself!!

Each seat has a video monitor for movies, TV, music, etc. BONUS: it
even has text messaging so I can send a message to Dick (who is
sitting in first class doing work with Schack).

I have some work to do on my laptop. My MacDreamy is being weird, and
lost power when my battery was still at 60%. (I need to look into
that.) But, no worries! As the ads say, Virgin Air has power ports for
each seat! (Love that!)

This has been the BEST domestic flight EVER!!

Try it.
You'll like it.

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