Friday, May 02, 2008

Cousins Golf - a new tradition?

First there was Cousins Dinner - a tradition I have withe my sister and 3 cousins (and an occasional spouse, significant other, or gay boyfriend) where we get together every few months (or at least once a year) for dinner.

Today, was the first of (hopefully) many "Cousins Golf" days. Well, not all of the cousins play golf, and Kenneth was out of town, but since it was my cousin, Bruce, and I who organized it, I'm just going to call it "Cousins Golf"!

Dick and Graham (My sister's boyfriend) joined Bruce and me for a rousing 9-hole game of golf this morning. I personally didn't have a very good game, but that's okay - it was a really, really fun time.

Bruce used to play regularly, but hasn't played in the last 3 years. Graham hasn't played at all this year, so it was a really great way for everyone to get back into it, and to spend some quality time with each other.

I'm hoping we can make this a semi-regular thing!
(and maybe, just maybe we can get Tiffie and Cheri to join us, too!)

PS: I seem to be golfing a lot lately, and I've started to blog about it more. I'm officially starting the "golf" label for my blog, now. I think that means I may be addicted. It's probably a healthier addiction than Vegas. ;)

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