Sunday, March 23, 2008

That which made me giggle at Church this morning.

Now, that's just WRONG!

This morning, I attended Easter Sunday Church service with Dick and his family.

Most of you probably know that I'm not a Church-goer. I wasn't raised with any kind of religion in my life, and have hardly ever attended church services. I do respect everyone's right to their own beliefs, just as I have some spiritual beliefs of my own.

That being said, I've never been to Church on Easter Sunday. Going to Church has always made me a little uncomfortable, to say the least. I just try to do my best to keep my my mind open, and mouth shut (I don't sing or recite prayers). I always saw Church as a very "serious" matter - out of respect that this is something very important to so many people, and that it is something that I simply don't know much about.

This morning's service was very nice - It's a lovely Church, nice sermon, and a great organ, accompanied by a choir. Since it was Easter Sunday, most people in the congregation went up for communion. I stayed in the pew while the rest of the family went up.

As they were coming back into our pew, Dick's sister, Meg, passed by me, and whispered, (just loud enough for me to hear):

"Bones of the father, unwillingly given....."

OMG. Once it set in what she had said, I had to try really, really hard not to bust out laughing!!

For those of you who don't know, that's a line from the Harry Potter series. Actually, it's part of the spell that was cast in Book 4 to resurrect the Dark Lord. Again, wrong, but oh-so-funny!

Meg had sent me a message a few months ago that she had been one of the people chosen to hand out communion, during which you say "The body of Christ, given for you" (when offering the bread) then "The blood of Christ, shed for you" (when offering the wine). Anyhow, she told me later that in the middle of being up there handing out the bread, or offering the wine, suddenly, that line from Harry Potter popped into her mind. She told me had to concentrate really hard to make sure she was reciting the appropriate line when offering communion, rather than accidentally slipping into Harry Potter mode. It was all she could do not to laugh during the rest of communion.

Oh, I just love my sister-in-law. (both of them, actually, but Meg gets credit for this morning's chuckle.)

So, that's my Easter Sunday Morning Story.
Apologies if I've offended anyone. Certainly didn't intend to. :)

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