Monday, May 21, 2007

I finally got my MINI key fob, but...

Well, that was anti-climatic.

I finally got my MINI key fob in the mail about a month ago. I hadn't been able to test it since then because the MINI billboard was near the entrance to the Bay Bridge, and I don't drive across it routinely.

Yesterday, my cousin, Kenneth and I drove to Oakland to pick up my sister for my Grandma's Birthday dinner in Stockton. Before we reached the location of the billboard, I told Kenneth all about it. We were both very excited to see what it would say. He even had his camera out, and his window rolled down, ready to snap a photo.

As we drove towards the location of the billboard, we noticed that there was a lot of construction, and that there were dividers up, obscuring our view of the billboard. As we drove by, Kenneth looked for the sign, but the only thing we saw was a black, blank billboard.

No MINI. No MINI Motoring message for me.

I figured that they might have taken down the billboard, since it was being obscured by the construction. I mean, who would want to pay for that?

This morning, I checked the web site for the Motorboard locations, and sure enough, here's what it said for San Francisco:

Location: Moving to a new home. Check back in a couple of weeks to get the new location.

Now we have to wait to see where the new billboard location will be. Hopefully, it'll be somewhere that's convenient and visible!

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