Saturday, July 22, 2006

Making an Entrance

I was invited to attend the Asian Firefighters Association of San Francisco Community Service Awards tonight. It was held at the Ritz Carlton in Nob Hill. One of our friends, and a long-time volunteer at The Always Dream Foundation was one the of 3 honorees for the evening.

I was planning on taking MUNI to Union Square, and walking up the hill a few blocks to the hotel. I realized that it would be fine on any normal San Francisco day, but was a little concerned about the heat, and what kind of disheveled shape I'd arrive to the event in. I figured I'd give it a go, and if it seemed too hot when I arrived in Union Square, I could always take a cab up the hill.

I left the house right around 6:00, and as I turned towards the street after locking the door, I saw Dick pull up in his Vespa. He was originally supposed to come home late this evening, but his meeting ended early.

That's when I had the light bulb moment: I asked if Dick would mind taking me to the Ritz Carlton on his scooter! After I explained the alternatives, he thought it was a good idea, too. So, I went back inside, took off my high-heel shoes, and switched them out for my Docs. Then I popped on my red riding jacket and red 1/2 helmet and black gloves. I put my dress shoes in the storage compartment (to change into later) and we were on our way!

We made it to the hotel in good time. When we pulled into the drop-off area of the hotel, Dick stopped his scooter, and I hopped off. I promptly took off the helmet, the jacket, and changed my shoes. A little tousle of the hair, and I was good to go! I should mention that I was wearing black pants and a fitted black dress tank top, which is much dressier than what I would usually wear when riding the Vespa.

When I walked pass the line of people who were waiting to valet park their cars, I thought, "Now that's the way to make an entrance to the Ritz Carlton!" :) It was really pretty funny.

Once I was inside the hotel (which is beautiful, by the way) I looked around, trying to figure out which direction to go. There were a couple of hotel employees who saw me and asked, "Asian Firefighters Association Awards?"

I laughed and asked, "Was it because I'm Asian? Was that the give-away?"

They got a good chuckle out of that.

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