Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Doll Eviction?

Dear Friends and Family,

Please don't let this happen to me in 40 years.

I realize that I may be fooling myself when I say that i think I have my Raggedy Ann obsession under control. (I know a lot of you, including my husband, would say otherwise!)

Most of you know that when Dick and I moved in together, we worked out what we fondly refer to as "the compromise room". That is, we agreed that I was allowed to have "some" of my dolls live in the house with us, but that they will live in their own room (also known as the guest room, or Uncle Christohper's room). The compromise allowed me to have some of my favorite dolls live with us, without Dick having to realize his fear of the dolls taking over the entire house.

This system has worked well for us, and everyone is happy.

...except perhaps, my Mom and Dad.

All of my Raggedy Ann & Andys who don't live here in SF with me are still living in "my room" at my parent's house. This is really where most of the collection is (probably at least 70%).

I have to admit that I'm really happy having the "few" dolls that I have here with me, and that my "need for collecting more for the sake of having more" has dropped considerably over the years. I have found that my new way of collecting involves looking for something very, very special, rather than just "adding to the collection".

I honestly don't know what I'll do when the day comes that I need to move all of my stuff out of my parent's house.
For now, I'll just be an ostrich with my head in the ground: I don't have to worry about it, if I don't have to think about it! :)

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