Thursday, June 15, 2006

A new Workout

Oh My.

I just got back from my first workout session of The Bar Method. My friend Vivian has been going for about a year or so, and invited me to come with her this week. They're having a special right now where first time guests can come to their first session for free.

So, I did some research (ie: read their website) and figured it was definately worth a shot: It's got everything I'm looking for in a workout: weight loss, strengthening, and muscle toning and elongation without adding bulk!

Between what Viv had already told me, and from what I read on the website, I *knew* that this class was going to Kick. My. Ass.

Oh, yeah.
It sure did!
Just as advertised.

Viv has a friend who calls it "yoga and pilates on steroids". That's a pretty good description. You sure get a lot of "bang for your buck" for a one hour workout. It was seriously one of the longest hours ever. There were moments (and I knew it would happen!) that my legs felt like rubber, and were shaking and wobbling, and I thought I wouldn't make it through. I also sweated like a pig - which is never very pretty!

I just know I'm going to be super sore tomorrow!

The work out was really good. It really kicked my butt, and I certainly had to take a quick break or two, but on the whole, I think I did okay considering it was my first session. I'm sure it'll get better as I go along...

They have a special for new members: 30 days of unlimited classes for $100. That's a great deal, of course, since the classes are usually $20 a pop.

Dick and I have a vacation planned early next month, so I'm going to wait until we get back to take advantage of the 30 day newbie special. After that, I'll *try* to go 3 times a week. We'll see how that goes.

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