Thursday, December 22, 2005

(What a pain in the...) Rear-Ended

Dick usually drives his Vespa to the CalTrain Station, but when it rains, I drop him off in the morning, and pick him up on the evening.

I picked him up this evening, driving his car. I didn't have my glasses (which I wear only for night-driving, and keep in my car) so I asked him to drive home.

It's been raining all day long here, and was still showering (lightly). We were driving westbound on Cesar Chavez Ave when the car in front of us stopped suddenly, we stopped, then...


Yep. Got rear-ended by the car behind us.

Here's where it gets good: we were rear-ended by an uninsured taxi driver.


We got all the info we could (his name/address/license/phone, cab company & car license plate) then called our insurance agency when we got home.

There's a lot of things to sort out, but the places we need to bring the car to will be closed tomorrow (for Christmas), and we're leaving this weekend for North Carolina.

We'll just make due until then, and made appointments for when we return next week.

What a pain...

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