Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Noe goes to the v-e-t

Poor Noe.

She's having one of those very few bad cat days.

I had to bring her to the vet today. We had to get something specific checked out, plus I realized that it's been over 1 3/4 years since her last "annual" check-up.

We used to take our kitties to a local vet here in SF. Years ago, we realized that it was nearly impossible to take her. As she grew up from a kitten to an adult she became more and more agitated at the vet. For anyone who has come over and met Noe, you've seen that she can be very sweet to Dick and me (especially when we're the only people home) but she DOES NOT like for anyone else to touch her. Imagine how much worse she is when we take her to the vet! Truly, she turns into an untamable little beast when we go. The last time I tried to take her to the local vet, she was so crazed that they simply couldn't do anything with her at all, and had to send us home..

I started taking her to my family vet way down in Milpitas a couple of years ago - we've been taking our pets to our favorite vet down there for more than 20 years. Before our first appointment, they gave me a sedative to give Noe before the drive down. She's pretty drugged by the time we get there, but she's still too freaked out to get a full check-up. So then, they put her in "the tank". (a small acrylic box, about the size of two shoe boxes stacked) Yep, pop my little baby in there, and gas her up. Once she's out, they put a little mask over her nose and mouth to keep her out while they complete her physical. It's horrible to watch, but I know it's the best thing for everyone involved. The way I see it, after I give her the sedative, everything must be a blur to her, and she surely doesn't remember as much, or isn't as traumatized by it if she hadn't been drugged.! I tell her it was all a bad dream. :)

We just came home from Milpitas, and poor little Noe is in a bad state. She's still all "drunk" (as my vet says) from the drugs, so she can't walk a straight line. Her rump is sore from having 4 shots (vaccination, plus a cortisone) so she's walking with a stiff limp. Her eyes are completely unfocused, and she's totally disoriented.

I'm so thankful that we all only have to go through this once every couple of years. It's just a bad situation for everyone involved.

Coincidentally, Noe's half brother (same feral Momma kitty), Kazoo (check out his web site had a trip to the vet yesterday. Apparently, the accute dislike for the vet runs in the family. Must be genetic. Read about Kazoo's trip to the vet on Willo's Blog.

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