Thursday, July 14, 2005

Harry Potter: Book VI !

The new Harry Potter book is being released tomorrow night at Midnight!

I was originally planning to check out the HP Party at Barnes & Noble in Union Square with my sister and our Mom.

However, I found out a couple of weeks ago that my long-lost friend, Christopher (aka "Spencer" - long story) is coming home tomorrow after spending the last 3 1/2 years studying in Australia! Christopher is going to stay with Dick and me for a week, maybe two, then he'll go stay with our mutual friend (and his old roommate) David.

I got a call from Christopher (who I actually call "Bro") a couple of weeks ago, and I tell him, "Do you realize that you're coming home the same weekend as the release of the new Harry Potter book?"

He said, "What?! I've been gone for 3 1/2 years, and you're talking about Harry Potter?"

"I'm sorry, Bro, but things have changed. You've been gone, and Harry Potter has entered my life...."

Christopher flies in tomorrow morning, so I figured we'd end up spending the whole day/night catching up. I plan to make a trip to Costco early Saturday morning to pick up my copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

BTW, here's a handy little article that summarizes the first 5 books.

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