Monday, October 18, 2004

Gadgets that Rock when you're traveling!

We just came back from a week in North Carolina! (more on that later).
Our flights went really well - we flew direct from SFO to Charlotte, NC.

Here are some things that we brought that made a HUGE difference on the flights:

1. iPod - 40GB of music. it simply Rocks.
2. noise-cancelling headphones. These were wonderful! I used it with my iPod, to watch the inflight movie, and even to just lesson the noise of the airplane.
3. GPS - this may sounds somewhat ridiculous, but really, it was fabulous! Dick got this great Streets & Trips software with a GPS Locator, and installed it on his laptop before we left. When we were on the plane, we just attached the GPS devite to the window, and voila: we could see where in the world we were! It was so cool! It showed where we were, what our altitude was, how fast we were going, etc., It was also very handy to have as we were driving around the mountains, and across the state.
4. a power adapter for the plane/car. We were able to keep Dick's laptop charged during the entire flight, and also when we were driving around. It was really nice to not have to worry about the battery running low.
5. FOOD - We flew in coach, and you just never know what kind of food you'll be served. I planned ahead, and made sandwiches, chips, carrot sticks, and rice crispy treats for the trip. Turns out, our airline (US Air) doesn't provide food anymore, although you do have the option to pay $7-10 for a meal. Our bag-lunched worked out great!
6. Water. You just can't have too much of it on a flight.

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