Friday, August 20, 2004

Weekly wrap-up

Okay, so it's been more than a week.... (shhhh...)

let's see - what's been going on?

My friend Mykail was in town for a visit last weekend. We had a great time, as always. We went to the DCI Tour of Champions at San Jose State's Spartan Stadium last Saturday night. That was really fun. I hadn't been to a drum corps show in ages. It was such a great way to see everyone - the corps came directly from DCI. Those of us out here on the West Coast never have a chance to see the corps with completed shows unless we go to DCI, so this was a huge treat. Another plus - 6 corps total - it was just the right amount.

I always forget how much longer Drum Corps shows are over Winter Guard shows. They're pretty much double the length. I'm always ready for them to be done about 3/4 of the way in. No offense to anyone, of course, it's just that my attention-span must be dwindling. ;)

I will say that there's nothing like hearing a few hundred brass instruments played at the same time, by hundreds of great musicians. I really enjoyed the finale. i think it may have given me chills!

Kudos, as always, goes to Michael Gaines and the amazing work he did with the drill for the Cavailiers. I was only sitting about 10 rows up, but even from that angle, I was able to appreciate the complexity of the drill design.

On a side note: I started to learn CSS this week! I know, for a web designer, I'm a little behind the times. Dick has been trying to get me to use CSS for years now, and I'm finally caving in. What can I say? I think I'm a creature of habit, and I know how to do good design using basic HTML. Plus, I clients who have clients on old web browsers, and I didn't want to use CSS if it wasn't compatible on most versions/browsers. Anyhow, I'm past that now, and decided that the time has come for this girl to learn some new tricks! ;)

I'm reading through Eric Meyer on CSS. So far, so good. There are several things that I've learned so far that I'm very excited about. My plan is to redesign my own site using CSS - that'll be a good project to get me started!

The big news for this week is that I'm going on a "MINI RUN" with some friends from my Forum. It's actually a group within the group - there's a bunch of us who started the "New Owners Thread" (a.k.a. "NOT") earlier this year. There are about 8 of us who are active participants, and other people come and go. Anyhow, a bunch of the group from Southern Cal are driving up tomorrow (Saturday) to Northern Cal so we can meet, eat, and go out for a drive together.

The guys from Southern Cal had 2 requests: they wanted to drive across The Golden Gate Bridge, and down the crooked part of Lombard Street. Since I am the resident San Franciscian, I stepped up to play the role of "Julie McCoy, Cruise Director". I've mapped out a whole driving route, complete with lunch, picture opportunities, SF trivia, and monuments! We'll also be having dinner together at a British Pub down in Cupertino. There were originally 7 cars, but I think we've dwindled down to 5. oh well, it should still be a great time.

We also have a fun day planned for Sunday! We're going down to Rob & Sharon's house for a pool party!!! :) Whoo-Hoo!

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