Thursday, July 08, 2004

trying out a new kind of patch

I'm trying out the new Neosporin Scar Solution patch. I'm hoping that it works as advertised.

I have a fairly small, but unsightly keloid scar on my right shoulder. It's been there for years. This product is supposed to help "restore the raised and discolored scar to a more natural color and texture". Sounds good to me!

What's a keloid? I actually did a small report on it in Science class years ago. Here's a definition of Hypertrophic and Keloid scars from the web:

Q. What is the difference between hypertrophic scars and keloids?

A. Hypertrophic scars are thick, raised and discolored. Most common places where these scars can be found are chest, back, shoulders, earlobes, and lower face. Hypertrophic scars are usually confined to the site of incision or injury.

Keloids are noticeably thick, puckered, and, may be itchy. The scar typically grows beyond the site of incision or injury, and has the tendency to recur. Most common places where these scars can be found are breastbone, earlobes, and shoulders. These scars are more common in people with darker skin.

Mmmmm. nice. (rolling my eyes)

The product says that I should start noticing a difference in as little as 4 weeks. It also says that I should use it for 12 weeks total.

this'll be interesting :)

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