Thursday, June 24, 2004

The wonder that is "Xbox Mouth"

This just cracks me up....

Anyone who has played Xbox with or against me has probably witnessed the phenomenon that is "Xbox mouth". That is, expletives come flying out my mouth at any given time, while playing any game! It's a mystery - I'm not sure why or how it happens, but it just does. The funny thing is, outside of playing Xbox, I hardly swear at all. Turn on the Xbox though, and it all comes flying out!

I used to think that it was localized to when I play Halo with Dick and Pete. The three of us really get into it. I even have a regular "nickname" that Pete & Dick use all of the time: "Invisible B****". The shotgun is my weapon of choice. It kicks A**. (do you see what I'm saying here? Xbox Mouth comes out even when I'm talking about a game!)

I quickly realized, though, that Xbox Mouth comes out on all games: driving games, fighting games, shooting games. It's usually okay on Xbox Live, because on most games that we play (ie: Ghost Recon) you have to press the white button for others to hear you. However, on other games (like Midtown Madness) the microphone is always on! oops!

Anyway, most people seem to get a good laugh from it - cracks us all up!

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