Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Signs of Getting Older...

I think there should be a rule someone stating that women with dark hair should be exempt from having white/grey hairs.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I find the whole thing kind of facisnating.

But really - white hairs stand out so strongly against jet black hair. I seem to be getting a lot more lately - is this what happens when you turn 33? They're popping up predominately on the front left side (by the ear). There are also a few popping up in the back - it seems like only Dick notices these, as he's the only one with that high vantage point.

My friend, Sal, used to say that he had "one grey hair for every person he ever taught" (in color guard and drum corps). I think my turn is coming, and I'm a little nervous, because I've taught my fair share of color guard students over the years.... hundreds, I'd guess. Uh-oh.

So, once they start popping in more often... then what? Do I start dying my hair? Hide them amongst highlights? eek! Isn't that one of those things that once you start, you can't ever stop?

I'm going to wait this out, and see how long I can ride the wave. I think my Mom was around 50 when she made the plunge to hair-dying. that seems really good - hopefully, I've got her genes!

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