Sunday, March 07, 2004

March (moving) Madness!

What a weekend.

First of all, let me tell you: I think my parents are super heroes! Really, I think their cover is "Henry & Barb Chow. Regular, everyday civilians." But underneath it all, I think they're hiding the fact that they're both super human!

As I mentioned before, Dick and I moved into the condo on Friday, but we still had quite a lot of stuff left at the old house (that the movers couldn't fit - I'm still questioning that one), and our kitchen was filled with boxes.

Lo and behold.... Saturday morning: Noon.
Henry and Barb arrive, swoop in, and SAVE THE DAY!

They are like a pair of Energizer Bunnies! My Mom immediately got to work in the kitchen - she and I spent the afternoon unpacking, and organizing. My Dad and Dick went down to the basement to rearrange, then spent most of the afternoon driving back and forth from the old house to the condo delivering (most) of the remaining goods. By the end of the evening, the kitchen was completely unpacked, and fully functional! We also managed to get a huge amount of stuff from the old house to the new. Really amazing. We couldn't have done it without them!

Dick and I were exhausted by the end of the evening. We got Chinese take-out from our favorite Chinese Restaurant in San Francisco: U-Lee. (On Hyde @ Jackson) Love that place. That was the only request my parents had! (and a good one it was!) After we ate, my Mom hopped right back up and said, "I just want to unpack that one last box in the kitchen."


..and even more interesting.. they keep insisting that they enjoy it!

I hope I've inherited some of their super-human-energy genes. I'm beginning to think it skipped a generation!

Thanks, Mom & Dad! I love you very much!

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