Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Computer Issues

My computer seems to be better today.

It's running slower, though. I'm pretty sure that's because it's running on 256MB less RAM than I'm used too. Kind of frustrating. I just want to be certain that it's not running slower because it's still experiencing drive problems.

I was thinking about buying some new RAM - although I'm still not certain that the old RAM was absolutely the problem. We're just assuming it is. Safe assumption, but an assumption, none-the-less.

I thought I'd look into Apple RAM, so if I installed it, it would still be covered under Apple Care. Here's the hitch: the RAM through Apple is twice the price: $200 for 512MB of RAM, vs. the $100 I paid on Amazon.com for Viking RAM. UGH.

I need to save my pennies, so I don't think I can afford to buy it at the moment.... although, it is, of course, a work expense..... But still.....

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