Thursday, October 16, 2003

2 for 1 sales - friend or foe?

I think I have a love/hate relationships with 2 for 1 sales.

I went to Safeway yesterday. I was very excited, because Oscar Meyer Bacon was on sale, 2 for 1! Those of you who know Dick know that he LOVES bacon. Not that he over-does it, but he does have a few slices on weekends. He's also very picky about bacon - it must be Oscar Meyer regular cut. None of that thick slice stuff....

Anyhow, I always get excited when I see that it's on sale. I have to stock up, and put a whole bunch in the freezer. I figure, I know we'll eat it, so I might as well buy as much as I can on sale. And so I did - I bought 8 packs yesterday.

That's a good 2 for 1 sale story.

Here's a Bad 2 for 1 story: while perusing around the store, I came across the 2 for 1 Lay's potato chips. No, I don't need potato chips. If I don't have them around the house, I certainly don't miss them. But, there they were: 2 for 1! what a deal. Plus, we're having a Halloween Party at the end of the month, so I thought I'd buy them now, and keep them for the party.

Silly me. What was I thinking?

Yep, I'm snacking on them right now.

evil, evil, evil.

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