Saturday, September 13, 2003

Gettin back into the creative spirit of things!!!

Oh yeah.....
I'm painting again....
I'm drawing again....

Wow - it feels so good to be creating again!!! Willo came over yesterday, and we spent the afternoon painting away! So much fun - I'm really looking forward to doing this more often. My friend, Sharon, came over a few months ago and got me back into the painting swing of things. It had been over 4 years since I'd last painted. Bad, bad, bad. I'll see if she wants to come over and paint with Willo and I - we'll have painting parties together!

I love to paint in our dining room. there's so much natural light in that room. If it's nice out, I can open the French doors to the backyard and get some fresh air in. Plus, we have the stereo speakers hooked up in the kitchen, so we can Jam away to some music as we paint! :)

This morning, Willo and I met for a 3 hour Life Drawing class. It's at SOMA Arts here in the City. Boy, that was FANTASTIC! what an opportunity! It's only $5.00/session, and they allow walk-ins. There were about 20 people there. One of my favorite things is to just watch other people, look at their individual styles, and learn from all of them. Everyone was so nice - the age range was probably from college-age to over 60. Great variety. I'm hoping to make a weekly habit of it.

I'm a bit rusty still. I realized it's been over 8 years since my last Life Drawing course. Life Drawing was my favorite course over at De Anza College. Lee Tacang was my instructor for over two years, and was one of the best instructor I've ever had the pleasure of learning from. Anyhow, I was a little concerned when I first sat down and drew some quick 1-minute poses today. EEK! I started feeling better about 30 minutes in, though. Some of my favorite techniques (ie: smudging charcoal) came back to me, and then I just let loose, and started to have fun. I met some really nice people today - they were all very encouraging, and told me to make sure to continue. What fun. I think I've been missing this part of my life for a while. Just never made the time to do it again.

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