Our day started out in the usual way - we met my Uncle Wes for lunch at our favorite Dim Sum restaurant, China Palace. Yum.

Dad, Uncle Wes and Grandma
After lunch, my Dad, Grandma and I went to do some grocery shopping at my new favorite (and cheap!) grocery store: WinCo!

We love Winco!
Here's when the interesting part of the day came.
We are in the midst of observing the "Ching Ming". I am learning that The Ching Ming Festival is an opportunity for celebrants to remember and honor their ancestors at grave sites.
More here on wikipedia
We went to the cemetery where my Grandpa's ashes are interred on Sunday. I didn't blog about it, as it was very similar to when we went to honor him on his birthday a couple of weeks ago. My Cousin Bruce write a small account of it here.
Anyhow, while we were in Stockton, my Grandma took my Dad and I to the Chinese Cemetery in Stockton where many of our family and friends are buried. On our way there, we stopped at a CentrOMart along the way to pick up some flowers to bring to the graves. While we were at the grocery store, I took this photo from the butcher counter. I found it interesting to find these items at the butcher counter of a traditional grocery store - I had only seen them before at Asian markets.

Pork Ears, Snouts and Tails (they also had plenty of other interesting items!
It turns out that the CentrOMart was only across the street from the high school that my parents attended - Edison High. I'm sure they've drove me past it before, but I couldn't remember, so my Dad drove by so I could take this photo!

Edison High School
Since we were in the neighborhood, my Dad decided to drive past his old house (my Grandparent's first house in Stockton, where they lived from 1951-1971). My Dad and Grandma were very pleased to see how well the current owners have taken care of it. The house and yard looked beautiful!

The Old Howard Street House
Next, we drove a couple of miles to find my Mom's old house. Again, I'm sure they have shown these houses to me before when I was a kid, but I don't remember them. I'm so glad we were able to do it yesterday!
Unfortunately, my Mom's old house isn't kept up quite as well as my Dad's old house.

My Mom's old house
Just around the corner from my Mom's old house is the Junior High School where my parents went. Pretty cool, huh? Remember, my parents had gone to school together (and had been dating the whole time!) since they were in 6th grade!

My Mom and Dad's Junior High School
We eventually made our way to the Chinese Cemetery. I don't think I've been here in 10-15 years. I was happy that I had the chance to go with my Grandma and my Dad yesterday.

The Chinese Cemetery
My Grandmother's Father was buried here when he died in 1961. I didn't know until yesterday that he was only the 2nd person buried here in the Chinese Cemetery. That would explain why his tombstone is in the front row.
My Grandma loved her father very much, and was very close to him. Unfortunately, he passed away fairly young. He was only 55. My Dad was only 13 when his Grandfather passed away.
We brought flowers, and bowed at the site of his grave. I was so glad to have the opportunity to participate in honoring him yesterday.

My Great Grandfather's tombstone
We also went to visit the grave site of my Great Grandmother, who passed way in 1991. I was fortunate to grow up knowing her.

Great Grandma's tombstone
It was a long, and very interesting afternoon. My Dad had wanted to show me the
We went back to Grandma's house so she could rest for a couple of hours, before heading out to dinner.
We went to a new family favorite restaurant across town. (Can't remember the name of it right now.) My Grandmother knows the owners (my Grandma knows everyone!), and we really like the food.
I took a photo of my Grandma and my Dad, along with two of the owners of the restaurant.

Dinner Time
What a nice afternoon. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to experience this day with my Grandma and my Dad. I feel so lucky to have had the chance to go to these special places with them, and to learn more about each of them, and their lives.